5 Questions You Should Never Ask A Woman

If you want to find a woman, you should be aware of the 5 questions you should never ask a woman. You do not want to waste your time or hers on the wrong person. The following 5 questions are some of the most common ones that men ask women. While they may seem harmless, they are a surefire way to get the ball rolling in the wrong direction.
Do you think Carole Baskin killed her husband?
If you have seen the hit Netflix docuseries Tiger King, you might be wondering whether Carole Baskin is responsible for her husband’s death. After all, her husband Don Lewis vanished in 1997 and her family still hasn’t found him. While the family hasn’t been charged with any crime, some believe Carole is involved.
During the first season of the series, the focus was on two rival zookeepers, Carole Baskin and Joe Exotic. But in the second season of Tiger King, a new storyline centers on Carole’s second marriage. It’s been 15 years since Don Lewis’ disappearance, and investigators haven’t been able to find any evidence of his murder.
One of the most intriguing theories about Don’s death has been that Carole fed him to tigers. The tigers were kept at the Big Cat Rescue, and Carole reportedly believed that Lewis was going to Costa Rica on August 18. However, there was no sign of him in Costa Rica.
There’s also a theory that Don was poisoned and left in the Gulf of Mexico. Several people, including his ex-wife Gladys, have suggested that Don was killed. Although this theory has never been confirmed, it’s an idea that is being re-examined by investigators.

Another big mystery surrounding the case is the restraining order that was filed against Carole. Don’s family believes that she murdered him, but she hasn’t been charged with any crime.
How many people have you slept with?
For many people, it can be uncomfortable to think about how many people you have slept with. Especially in the age of sex, it’s natural to want to know, but not necessarily to share. And if you’re a woman, you may be embarrassed to tell someone how many partners you’ve had.
Fortunately, the stigmas around sex are gradually dissipating. But for many, it’s still a taboo topic. This makes it harder to discuss the question without feeling awkward. Often, you’ll hear the answer to this question in conversation about intimacy. You can ask yourself how many partners you’ve had and compare it to other women. Or you can try to figure out how many men you’ve had and how many women you’ve had.
Those who have a lot of sexual partners are usually more sex-positive than those who have fewer. They also tend to be more social and liberal. People who are more sex-conscious will tend to drink more. It’s also important to remember that sex is not the only aspect of relationships. The other aspect is making sure your partner feels comfortable with you.

Assuming you’re a man, the average number of sexual partners you’ve had before you settle down is 26. If you’re a woman, the average is 19. So how can you figure out how many people you’ve slept with?
Most people will lie about the number of partners they’ve had. But if you’re willing to get real with yourself, you can discover more about your personality and how you relate to others.
Why do you think she’s still single?
The question of the day is, how come I’m still single? Well, that’s not exactly a question that’s answered on a daily basis. Even the happiest of single ladies spends a good amount of time mulling over a number of factors. There are many facets of her life, from her career to her personal and family ties, that can affect her dating life. Fortunately, these factors are less of an impediment to her dating life than they used to be. Having said that, some women find it difficult to break free of their monogamy spell.
As a rule of thumb, the most obvious and enlightening answer isn’t necessarily the most revealing, as the answer to the aforementioned question should be a bit more nuanced than it first appears. If you have a single digit number in your head, it’s likely that you’re a bachelor, and your best bet may be to start dating again.