If you’re looking for an app that promotes a fun, active dating experience, 3Fun is a great option. The app features all the usual bells and whistles of online dating and encourages active daters to set up hookups in the privacy of their home. For more details keep reading this...


Having a Best Relationship with your spouse is not just a matter of finding a love interest. It also means being willing to give and receive love. It also means addressing conflict without judgment or contempt. Understanding each other’s strengths and weaknesses Having a good understanding of each other’s strengths...


Having a set of small standards in a relationship can be a powerful tool for transforming your relationship. It can help you avoid conflicts over double standards, and can also help ensure that you have an intensely intimate relationship. Expect intimacy and passion Getting your partner to meet your small...


Biggest Dating Mistakes – Whether you are a woman who is new to dating or a seasoned dater, there are some common mistakes that you can make that can damage your relationship. In this article, we will discuss some of the biggest dating mistakes women make. Avoiding falling for the...


Why Men Lose Interest – Having a man lose interest in you is one of the most common frustrations of most women. Unfortunately, there are several factors that cause this to happen, but you don’t have to live with it forever! Avoidant attachment styles lead to panic and escape Having...


Having a healthy relationship involves many different aspects of your life. You’ll need to learn to trust, have curiosity, and address conflict if you want to achieve happiness with your partner. Having these traits will make you a better partner. Curiosity Having curiosity can help a person learn more and...


Attractive Trait – Having a positive, self-aware, and confident attitude will boost your chances of meeting the right person. It’s also a good idea to maintain a sense of humor. If you can laugh at yourself, you’ll have more fun and feel more relaxed. Confidence in yourself Getting more confident...


Master Your Relationships – Whether you are married, dating, or just a friend, there are things that you can do to improve your relationship. By doing these things once per week, you will start to see great results. Spend time together without kids Leaving your children alone for a few...


Sure Signs Youre Dating – Having a high value man in your life can mean a lot to you. They have a great sense of humor, they are loyal and they are not concerned with what other people think of them. They will not bring you down and will not...
